Jolivette Anderson-Douoning Edmundite Scholar in Residence - History

MA PhD Candidate, Purdue University
MA, Grambling State University
BA, Louisiana Tech University
Areas of Expertise
U.S. Race and Racism in Segregated Spaces
Cultural History in the Hollywood Neighborhood of Shreveport, Louisiana
Curriculum and Pedagogy: Pinar’s Currere Method and the D. Ciphers Curriculum
Intra Cultural and Intra Racial Identities
Comparative Black Cultures in the US, UK, and the Black Diaspora
Courses I Teach
- History Seminar
- BIPOC Resistance and Power
- BIPOC Race, Gender, and Geography in the Deep South USA
- American Studies ‘Interpreting America’
- American Studies ‘America and the World’
- Introduction to Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Women of Color in the United States
- Fundamentals of Speech Communication
I teach the Black Experience in the United States to address and include intra-cultural and intra-racial perspectives about Black / African peoples experiences in the United States and our contributions to world history.
Research and Interests
My dissertation title is LOUISIANA LEARNING: A Race-Space Geographic Education and the Creation of a Black Cultural ‘Place” in Shreveport’s Hollywood Neighborhood on Ledbetter Street, 1945-1985.
I utilize primary documents located in family archives of people in the Hollywood Neighborhood and the Louisiana archives (LSUS and Southern University Shreveport) to explain how local people, specifically people from segregated Black Neighborhoods gained access to: the Family House, the School House, the Church House, the Work (Labor) House, and the Play (Leisure) House as areas of universal human activity while being denied equal resources to attain equitable levels of success in society.
Other areas of interest include:
American Studies, Interpreting America: Race and Place
In Goldleana’s Hand: A History of the Hollywood Neighborhood in Shreveport, LA
The Black Experience in America, Deep South Region
Cultural History of Black Neighborhoods
Rural to Urban Migration in the Deep South
Race in Education: Teaching Racial Identity in Public Schools using the D. Ciphers Curriculum and William Pinar’s Currere Method
The Black American in the African Diaspora
Black Cultural Centers in Historically White Spaces
Creating Black Spaces: Transnational Black Identities in Louisiana, London and Ghana
Local Organizing During the Modern Day Civil Rights Movement, 1954 – 1965
Bob Moses & His Mentors: Strategic Thinking and Black Integrationist Thought During the Civil Rights Movement in the Deep South
Awards, Recognitions, Memberships
– Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, April 2021
– The Teaching Academy and Office of the Provost, Purdue University, Award for Exceptional Teaching and Instructional Support during the COVID-19 Pandemic, April 2021.
– College of Liberal Arts/School of Interdisciplinary Studies/American Studies Program, Summer Research Grant Fellowship, May – July 2019
– The Howard Zinn Memorial Research Award, April 2019
– Promoting Research Opportunities to Maximize Innovation and Scholarly Excellence (PROMISE) Award, “In Goldleana’s Hand: A History of the Hollywood Neighborhood” Research, Shreveport, Louisiana, May 2016
– City of Shreveport Proclamation (for bringing attention to the history of Black life and culture in Shreveport), June 28 is ‘Jolivette Anderson-Douoning Day’
– Promoting Research Opportunities to Maximize Innovation and Scholarly Excellence (PROMISE) Award, Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytelling Festival, Creating Black Spaces Research, July 2016
– Graduate Teaching Certification, Center for Instructional Excellence, Purdue University, April 2016
– Black Graduate Student Association Distinguished Service Award, 2012
Recent News
Jolivette Anderson-Douoning of the history faculty (and Edmundite African American Fellow at the College) presented research fall semester centered on a ledger documenting the everyday activities of Mrs. Goldleana Harris Mosley Abraham — a Black woman living in a segregated neighborhood of Shreveport, Louisiana, after World War II. The talk provided historical insight into the limited labor opportunities and racist practices Black workers had to overcome in that period.
(posted February 2023)
Jolivette Anderson-Douoning, the College’s Inaugural Edmundite Fellow, was primary facilitator of a campus visit by one of the original “Freedom Riders,” David Dennis Sr., who joined his son for a well-attended March 3 program in McCarthy Arts Center Recital Hall for this year’s annual Sutherland Lecture. The title of the presentation was “A Conversation with David Dennis Jr & David Dennis Sr.” and was based upon their forthcoming book, The Movement Made Us. Jolivette said that David Dennis Jr., as an award-winning journalist and author, in his book, “captures the spirit and the love and labor demonstrated by his father during the early 1960s black freedom movement. Their forthcoming book gives insight into the sacred spaces of black manhood and black struggles for social justice as it has been passed from father to son.”
(posted July 2022)
Jolivette Anderson-Douoning had a warm welcome on campus in late August as the inaugural Edmundite Graduate Fellow/Scholar in Residence/history for the 2021-20211 academic year. President Lorraine Sterritt and Edmundite Superior General David Cary joined the well-attended garden reception to make remarks. Professor Kathryn Dungy in history has supervised Anderson-Douoning, or “Joli,” and they did team-teaching the first semester. Students were introduced to the seminar she designed entitled ‘BIPOC Resistance and Power’ and were treated to an impressive curriculum and bountiful energy. Later in the semester, Joli made a formal presentation of her research in the McCarthy Recital Hall. On September 25, she traveled to Cambridge, MA to participate in a ceremony honoring her late boss and mentor Bob Moses. Jolivette also shared her beautiful singing voice in October by sitting in with Jerome Monachino and his jazz trio during one of the regular “Jazz Lunches” sponsored by Edmundite Campus Ministry in Alliot dining hall. In November she presented a lecture, outlining the findings from her dissertation titled ‘LOUISIANA LEARNING: Race-Space Geographic Education and the Creation of a Black Cultural ‘Place’ in Shreveport’s Hollywood Neighborhood’.
(posted February 2022)