Commencement 2025
Commencement 2025
Saint Michael’s College will hold its 118th Commencement on Sunday, May 11, 2025. The ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. in the Ross Sports Center.
The day of Commencement will begin with students processing through campus to the Ross Sports Center at 9:40 a.m., then the ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. The ceremony will be livestreamed through a link will be on the Commencement website.
The College offers a Commencement Hotline (phone and e-mail) that will be accessible from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to help with whatever questions or information graduating students and their parents may have. Hotline questions can be emailed to or you can call 802.654.2216.
Information for Graduates
Students must submit a Graduation Application through KnightVision Self-Service in order to receive information about commencement, and to be eligible for tickets. Please direct any follow-up questions to the Registrar’s Office.
Tickets for Commencement
Qualified Seniors and graduate students will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns. Each eligible student will receive seven tickets for entry into the Ross Sports Center.
Selling tickets is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Students who do this will not be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony and their tickets will be invalidated. All students should be aware that if they purchase a ticket in this manner, it may not be valid for entry.
The ceremony will be livestreamed. The link will be on the Commencement website the morning of the ceremony. Non-ticketed guests can view the livestream in McCarthy Arts Center.
Pets are not allowed at the ceremony, except for ADA-certified service animals.
Senior Salute Day: Thursday, April 24, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM in Alliot Lobby
Pick up Caps and Gowns
Alliot Student Center Lobby
- Seniors can start picking up their caps, gowns, tassels, tickets
- at the Senior Salute Day in the Alliot Student Center Lobby. There is no cost to the Seniors.
- Gold Honors tassels for students receiving Latin honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude & cum laude) will be available for pickup.
- Seniors can purchase a class ring from either the Jostens or Balfour websites.
- Senior Week tickets and info will be available
- Light refreshments will be available
After this date, cap and gown, honors tassels, and tickets can be picked up at the Campus Store.
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Baccalaureate Mass- 4:00 p.m.
Graduates and their families are invited to attend the Baccalaureate Mass on Saturday, May 10th, at 4 p.m. in the Chapel. Graduates do not march in procession for the Mass and no academic robes are worn for the occasion. Please plan to sit with your families and friends for this important part of the Commencement activities.
Sunday, May 11, 2025
Regalia & Tickets
Regalia (caps and gowns) and tickets are available at the Campus Store. If possible, please pick up your regalia and tickets in advance of the ceremony. The Bookstore will be open on the morning of Commencement, and staff will do their best to assist with any last minute regalia issues. On the morning of Commencement, tassels should be on the right side of your cap, and should only be moved to the left when President Plumb officially confers your degree.
Class Photographs
There will be two class photos: one for grad students, and one for undergrads. Grad students will assemble in front of the fireplace in Alliot and undergrads will gather on the steps of the Durick Library by 8:55 AM. Please note: if you are not on time for the photo, you will not be in the photo. The photos will be taken at 9:00 AM sharp – please plan accordingly.
Name Card Pickup
Your name card is an important part of how this year’s Commencement ceremony will work. Name cards will be available for pickup outside between Alliot and Joyce from 8:30 AM and 9:40 AM. (You are welcome to pick up your name card before or after the class photos.) IMPORTANT – Please hold onto your name card until you give it to Registrar’s Office personnel before crossing the stage during the ceremony.
Lineup for Procession
You will be lining up outside between Alliot and Joyce. You will form two distinct lines for the procession: one for students receiving a Master’s degree, and one for students receiving a Bachelor’s degree. You will receive further instructions from VP Dawn Ellinwood and Assistant Dean Kerri Leach during lineup.
10:00 AM – Ross Sports Center
Moving Out of Residence Halls
In order to help our Residence Hall and Physical Plant staff prepare for summer occupancy, all rooms should be cleared of student belongings by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 11.
Please follow the instructions provided by your RA or RD for returning your room and house keys. Mail keys should be returned to the mailroom.
Information for Family, Friends and Guests
Commencement Hotline
The College offers a Commencement Hotline (phone and e-mail) that will be accessible from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to help with whatever questions or information graduating students and their parents may have. Please read our FAQ section before calling the hotline.
Hotline questions can be emailed to or you can call 802.654.2216.
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Baccalaureate Mass- 4:00 p.m.
Graduates and their families are invited to attend the Baccalaureate Mass on Saturday, May 10th, at 4 p.m. in the Chapel. Graduates do not march in procession for the Mass and no academic robes are worn for the occasion. Please plan to sit with your families and friends for this important part of the Commencement activities.
The ceremony will be held in the Ross Sports Center.
Pets are not allowed at the ceremony with the exception of ADA certified service animals.
Tickets for Commencement
Qualified Seniors and graduate students will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns on Senior Salute Day, Thursday, April 24, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM in Alliot Lobby No additional tickets are available.
Additional Tickets
Additional tickets are not available. We regret that we cannot provide additional tickets, so ask that you please do not call to ask for an exception.
We suspect that most of you have already booked accommodations for Saturday night. However, please remember also to make local restaurant reservations ahead of time for Saturday and/or Sunday. Our Hotel and Accommodations page provides information on locations offering discounts for Saint Michael’s visitors. You can find additional information on the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce web site or call 802.863.3489, toll-free at 877.686.5253.
Public Safety will be directing parking on the day of Commencement. You may drop passengers off at the designated area and then park your vehicle. Disabled parking is available for vehicles displaying disability registration plates or removable windshield placards. Please follow the directions of the public safety officers.
Seating: Ticketed
Ticket holders should plan to be seated by 9:30 AM. Please note that tickets are required for children. Seating area opens at 8:30 a.m. Tickets are not required for the Baccalaureate Mass.
Seating: Special Needs
Our Public Safety and Special Events staff are pleased to direct our ticketed guests with special needs to designated areas. Reservations are not needed. We ask that you plan for one additional family member to sit in that section as well. Our staff will assist you as necessary. Please plan to arrive early. Seating area opens at 8:30 a.m. There will be ASL interpreters at the ceremony. Please call ahead for seating close to the interpreters. Please note that reserved balcony seating is not wheelchair accessible.
Non-Ticketed guests
The ceremony will be livestreamed. The link will be on the Commencement website the morning of the ceremony. Non-ticketed guests may view the livestream in the McCarthy Arts Center.
Immediately following Commencement, the Commencement Reception will be held on Library Lawn. Light refreshments will be served. In case of rain, the reception will be held in the Tarrant Recreation Center.
Items for Purchase
During Commencement Weekend, the Campus Store will be open on Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. and on Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Personalized announcements/invitations orders can be placed online on the Balfour website along with other Commencement items
Flower arrangements will be available for purchase on Commencement Day.
Class Ring – Contact either Jostens or Balfour
Senior photos are available online after the ceremony at GradImages.
Prohibited Items
For safety and because of limited space in the seating areas, the following items are prohibited to bring to commencement for students and guests.
Fire Arms
Large purses
Brief cases
Tripods for cameras
Pepper Spray
Large Wrapped gifts
Aerosol Spray cans
Registrar's Information
Degree Requirements
To earn the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or the Degree of Bachelor of Science a student must:
- Complete a minimum of 128 credits, with a minimum of 32 different courses.
- Complete the degree requirements of one of the established majors.
- Complete the core curriculum requirements.
- Achieve a minimum cumulative quality point average of 2.0 and a minimum of a 2.0 average in courses taken in the major.
- Complete a minimum of 24 of the last 32 credits at Saint Michael’s.
- Transfer students must earn a minimum of 32 credits at Saint Michael’s.
- Fill out a graduation application at the beginning of the academic year in which the degree is expected.
It is the responsibility of the student – in consultation with the advisor – to enroll in the appropriate courses in order to meet degree requirements.
Participation in Commencement
Graduating Students
Students who have completed all of their degree requirements by the end of a given spring semester are fully eligible to participate in May Commencement Exercises. Graduates will have their names called, process across the stage to receive their diplomas, and have their names printed in the Commencement program.
Processing Students
Undergraduate students who are within eight credits of meeting their degree requirements are eligible to “walk” at the May Commencement Exercises. “Walkers” have their names called, process across the stage to receive a blank diploma cover, and are listed in the Commencement program.
Robing Students
Undergraduate students who are not eligible to graduate or “walk” (as outlined above) – yet feel an affiliation with the graduating class – may “robe” for the Commencement ceremony. “Robers” process with their class at the beginning and end of the ceremony. They do not have their names called, and they are not listed in the Commencement program.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I receive tickets for the Commencement ceremony?
Qualified Seniors will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns on Senior Salute Day, Thursday, April 24, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM in Alliot Lobby. No additional tickets are available.
Are extra tickets available?
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide extra tickets. Please do not contact the College for an exception.
Where can I see the ceremony without a ticket?
The ceremony will be livestreamed. The link will be on the Commencement website the morning of the ceremony. Non-ticketed guests can view the livestream in McCarthy Arts Center.
Pets are not allowed at the ceremony, except for ADA-certified service animals.
I have a question not answered here. Where can I get help?
Contact the Commencement Hotline by emailing or call 802-654-2216. On Sunday morning the Commencement Helpdesk is located in the Tarrant Lobby beginning at 8:30 a.m.
What is Baccalaureate Mass?
Baccalaureate Mass is a Roman Catholic Mass in the Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel the day before the Commencement ceremony. We welcome all Seniors and their families to celebrate our Roman Catholic liturgy with us as a time to pray together as a community. Graduates do not need to wear robes and are welcome to sit wherever they would like in the Chapel with their family and friends. More information on the details of worship in the Mass can be found on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Tickets are not needed for the Baccalaureate Mass.
Are personalized announcements available?
Personalized announcements/invitations can be ordered online at Balfour along with other Commencement items.
What time should I arrive for the Commencement ceremony?
Seating area opens at 8:30 a.m. Guests are asked to be in their seats by 9:30 a.m.
Is there reserved seating?
The ceremony is general admission. Sections are reserved for graduates, faculty, dignitaries and the media, in addition to a section for guests with mobility or other accessibility issues.
How do I make arrangements for accessible seating?
Our Public Safety and Special Events staff are pleased to direct our guests with special needs to designated areas. We ask that you plan for one additional family member to sit in that section as well. Our staff will assist you by moving chairs as necessary. Please plan to arrive early. Seating area opens at 8:30 a.m. There will be ASL interpreters at the ceremony. Please call ahead for seating close to the interpreters. Please note that the reserved balcony seating is not wheelchair accessible.
Where should guests park?
Please follow the directions of our public safety officers. You may drop off your passengers at the designated spot, then go park your vehicle.
Where will disabled parking be located?
Disabled parking is available for vehicles displaying disability registration plates or removable windshield placards. Please follow the directions of the public safety officers.
How long does the ceremony last?
For planning purposes, the graduation ceremony lasts approximately 2-2 ½ hours.
Will pictures and DVD’s be available?
Commencement DVDs will not be available this year.
Our Commencement photographer is Grad Images. Pictures of graduates will be available on their website at: Gradimages. You will be receiving a mailing with more information and offers.
Information for Faculty
Regalia may be ordered at the Campus Store. The Campus Store can be reached at 802.654.2517.
On the day of Commencement (Sunday, May 11, 2025):
Faculty robe in Cheray 101 at 9:15 a.m.
Procession begins at 9:50 a.m.
Faculty/Staff will be lined up by the Faculty Marshal.
Order of Procession:
- Saint Andrew’s Pipe Band of Vermont
- Grand Marshal
- Seniors
- Masters Candidates
- Faculty Marshal
- Faculty/Staff
- Honored Guests/ Marshal
- Trustees/Honored Guests/President’s Cabinet
- Dais Party
- President
Information for Graduates
Students must submit a Graduation Application through KnightVision Self-Service in order to receive information about commencement, and to be eligible for tickets. Please direct any follow-up questions to the Registrar’s Office.
Tickets for Commencement
Qualified Seniors and graduate students will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns. Each eligible student will receive seven tickets for entry into the Ross Sports Center.
Selling tickets is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Students who do this will not be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony and their tickets will be invalidated. All students should be aware that if they purchase a ticket in this manner, it may not be valid for entry.
The ceremony will be livestreamed. The link will be on the Commencement website the morning of the ceremony. Non-ticketed guests can view the livestream in McCarthy Arts Center.
Pets are not allowed at the ceremony, except for ADA-certified service animals.
Senior Salute Day: Thursday, April 24, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM in Alliot Lobby
Pick up Caps and Gowns
Alliot Student Center Lobby
- Seniors can start picking up their caps, gowns, tassels, tickets
- at the Senior Salute Day in the Alliot Student Center Lobby. There is no cost to the Seniors.
- Gold Honors tassels for students receiving Latin honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude & cum laude) will be available for pickup.
- Seniors can purchase a class ring from either the Jostens or Balfour websites.
- Senior Week tickets and info will be available
- Light refreshments will be available
After this date, cap and gown, honors tassels, and tickets can be picked up at the Campus Store.
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Baccalaureate Mass- 4:00 p.m.
Graduates and their families are invited to attend the Baccalaureate Mass on Saturday, May 10th, at 4 p.m. in the Chapel. Graduates do not march in procession for the Mass and no academic robes are worn for the occasion. Please plan to sit with your families and friends for this important part of the Commencement activities.
Sunday, May 11, 2025
Regalia & Tickets
Regalia (caps and gowns) and tickets are available at the Campus Store. If possible, please pick up your regalia and tickets in advance of the ceremony. The Bookstore will be open on the morning of Commencement, and staff will do their best to assist with any last minute regalia issues. On the morning of Commencement, tassels should be on the right side of your cap, and should only be moved to the left when President Plumb officially confers your degree.
Class Photographs
There will be two class photos: one for grad students, and one for undergrads. Grad students will assemble in front of the fireplace in Alliot and undergrads will gather on the steps of the Durick Library by 8:55 AM. Please note: if you are not on time for the photo, you will not be in the photo. The photos will be taken at 9:00 AM sharp – please plan accordingly.
Name Card Pickup
Your name card is an important part of how this year’s Commencement ceremony will work. Name cards will be available for pickup outside between Alliot and Joyce from 8:30 AM and 9:40 AM. (You are welcome to pick up your name card before or after the class photos.) IMPORTANT – Please hold onto your name card until you give it to Registrar’s Office personnel before crossing the stage during the ceremony.
Lineup for Procession
You will be lining up outside between Alliot and Joyce. You will form two distinct lines for the procession: one for students receiving a Master’s degree, and one for students receiving a Bachelor’s degree. You will receive further instructions from VP Dawn Ellinwood and Assistant Dean Kerri Leach during lineup.
10:00 AM – Ross Sports Center
Moving Out of Residence Halls
In order to help our Residence Hall and Physical Plant staff prepare for summer occupancy, all rooms should be cleared of student belongings by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 11.
Please follow the instructions provided by your RA or RD for returning your room and house keys. Mail keys should be returned to the mailroom.
Information for Family, Friends and Guests
Commencement Hotline
The College offers a Commencement Hotline (phone and e-mail) that will be accessible from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to help with whatever questions or information graduating students and their parents may have. Please read our FAQ section before calling the hotline.
Hotline questions can be emailed to or you can call 802.654.2216.
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Baccalaureate Mass- 4:00 p.m.
Graduates and their families are invited to attend the Baccalaureate Mass on Saturday, May 10th, at 4 p.m. in the Chapel. Graduates do not march in procession for the Mass and no academic robes are worn for the occasion. Please plan to sit with your families and friends for this important part of the Commencement activities.
The ceremony will be held in the Ross Sports Center.
Pets are not allowed at the ceremony with the exception of ADA certified service animals.
Tickets for Commencement
Qualified Seniors and graduate students will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns on Senior Salute Day, Thursday, April 24, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM in Alliot Lobby No additional tickets are available.
Additional Tickets
Additional tickets are not available. We regret that we cannot provide additional tickets, so ask that you please do not call to ask for an exception.
We suspect that most of you have already booked accommodations for Saturday night. However, please remember also to make local restaurant reservations ahead of time for Saturday and/or Sunday. Our Hotel and Accommodations page provides information on locations offering discounts for Saint Michael’s visitors. You can find additional information on the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce web site or call 802.863.3489, toll-free at 877.686.5253.
Public Safety will be directing parking on the day of Commencement. You may drop passengers off at the designated area and then park your vehicle. Disabled parking is available for vehicles displaying disability registration plates or removable windshield placards. Please follow the directions of the public safety officers.
Seating: Ticketed
Ticket holders should plan to be seated by 9:30 AM. Please note that tickets are required for children. Seating area opens at 8:30 a.m. Tickets are not required for the Baccalaureate Mass.
Seating: Special Needs
Our Public Safety and Special Events staff are pleased to direct our ticketed guests with special needs to designated areas. Reservations are not needed. We ask that you plan for one additional family member to sit in that section as well. Our staff will assist you as necessary. Please plan to arrive early. Seating area opens at 8:30 a.m. There will be ASL interpreters at the ceremony. Please call ahead for seating close to the interpreters. Please note that reserved balcony seating is not wheelchair accessible.
Non-Ticketed guests
The ceremony will be livestreamed. The link will be on the Commencement website the morning of the ceremony. Non-ticketed guests may view the livestream in the McCarthy Arts Center.
Immediately following Commencement, the Commencement Reception will be held on Library Lawn. Light refreshments will be served. In case of rain, the reception will be held in the Tarrant Recreation Center.
Items for Purchase
During Commencement Weekend, the Campus Store will be open on Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. and on Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Personalized announcements/invitations orders can be placed online on the Balfour website along with other Commencement items
Flower arrangements will be available for purchase on Commencement Day.
Class Ring – Contact either Jostens or Balfour
Senior photos are available online after the ceremony at GradImages.
Prohibited Items
For safety and because of limited space in the seating areas, the following items are prohibited to bring to commencement for students and guests.
Fire Arms
Large purses
Brief cases
Tripods for cameras
Pepper Spray
Large Wrapped gifts
Aerosol Spray cans
Registrar's Information
Degree Requirements
To earn the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or the Degree of Bachelor of Science a student must:
- Complete a minimum of 128 credits, with a minimum of 32 different courses.
- Complete the degree requirements of one of the established majors.
- Complete the core curriculum requirements.
- Achieve a minimum cumulative quality point average of 2.0 and a minimum of a 2.0 average in courses taken in the major.
- Complete a minimum of 24 of the last 32 credits at Saint Michael’s.
- Transfer students must earn a minimum of 32 credits at Saint Michael’s.
- Fill out a graduation application at the beginning of the academic year in which the degree is expected.
It is the responsibility of the student – in consultation with the advisor – to enroll in the appropriate courses in order to meet degree requirements.
Participation in Commencement
Graduating Students
Students who have completed all of their degree requirements by the end of a given spring semester are fully eligible to participate in May Commencement Exercises. Graduates will have their names called, process across the stage to receive their diplomas, and have their names printed in the Commencement program.
Processing Students
Undergraduate students who are within eight credits of meeting their degree requirements are eligible to “walk” at the May Commencement Exercises. “Walkers” have their names called, process across the stage to receive a blank diploma cover, and are listed in the Commencement program.
Robing Students
Undergraduate students who are not eligible to graduate or “walk” (as outlined above) – yet feel an affiliation with the graduating class – may “robe” for the Commencement ceremony. “Robers” process with their class at the beginning and end of the ceremony. They do not have their names called, and they are not listed in the Commencement program.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I receive tickets for the Commencement ceremony?
Qualified Seniors will receive tickets when picking up their caps and gowns on Senior Salute Day, Thursday, April 24, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM in Alliot Lobby. No additional tickets are available.
Are extra tickets available?
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide extra tickets. Please do not contact the College for an exception.
Where can I see the ceremony without a ticket?
The ceremony will be livestreamed. The link will be on the Commencement website the morning of the ceremony. Non-ticketed guests can view the livestream in McCarthy Arts Center.
Pets are not allowed at the ceremony, except for ADA-certified service animals.
I have a question not answered here. Where can I get help?
Contact the Commencement Hotline by emailing or call 802-654-2216. On Sunday morning the Commencement Helpdesk is located in the Tarrant Lobby beginning at 8:30 a.m.
What is Baccalaureate Mass?
Baccalaureate Mass is a Roman Catholic Mass in the Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel the day before the Commencement ceremony. We welcome all Seniors and their families to celebrate our Roman Catholic liturgy with us as a time to pray together as a community. Graduates do not need to wear robes and are welcome to sit wherever they would like in the Chapel with their family and friends. More information on the details of worship in the Mass can be found on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Tickets are not needed for the Baccalaureate Mass.
Are personalized announcements available?
Personalized announcements/invitations can be ordered online at Balfour along with other Commencement items.
What time should I arrive for the Commencement ceremony?
Seating area opens at 8:30 a.m. Guests are asked to be in their seats by 9:30 a.m.
Is there reserved seating?
The ceremony is general admission. Sections are reserved for graduates, faculty, dignitaries and the media, in addition to a section for guests with mobility or other accessibility issues.
How do I make arrangements for accessible seating?
Our Public Safety and Special Events staff are pleased to direct our guests with special needs to designated areas. We ask that you plan for one additional family member to sit in that section as well. Our staff will assist you by moving chairs as necessary. Please plan to arrive early. Seating area opens at 8:30 a.m. There will be ASL interpreters at the ceremony. Please call ahead for seating close to the interpreters. Please note that the reserved balcony seating is not wheelchair accessible.
Where should guests park?
Please follow the directions of our public safety officers. You may drop off your passengers at the designated spot, then go park your vehicle.
Where will disabled parking be located?
Disabled parking is available for vehicles displaying disability registration plates or removable windshield placards. Please follow the directions of the public safety officers.
How long does the ceremony last?
For planning purposes, the graduation ceremony lasts approximately 2-2 ½ hours.
Will pictures and DVD’s be available?
Commencement DVDs will not be available this year.
Our Commencement photographer is Grad Images. Pictures of graduates will be available on their website at: Gradimages. You will be receiving a mailing with more information and offers.
Information for Faculty
Regalia may be ordered at the Campus Store. The Campus Store can be reached at 802.654.2517.
On the day of Commencement (Sunday, May 11, 2025):
Faculty robe in Cheray 101 at 9:15 a.m.
Procession begins at 9:50 a.m.
Faculty/Staff will be lined up by the Faculty Marshal.
Order of Procession:
- Saint Andrew’s Pipe Band of Vermont
- Grand Marshal
- Seniors
- Masters Candidates
- Faculty Marshal
- Faculty/Staff
- Honored Guests/ Marshal
- Trustees/Honored Guests/President’s Cabinet
- Dais Party
- President