Adam Weaver Associate Professor of Biology and Neuroscience

Ph.D. Ohio University
B.A. University of Delaware
Career Timeline:
2014-Present Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Saint Michael’s College
2010-2014 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Saint Michael’s College
2008-2009 Assistant Professor, Div. of Basic Pharm. Sciences, Xavier Univ., Coll. of Pharmacy
2007-2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Xavier University of Louisiana
2005-2007 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington, Otolaryngology Department
2002-2004 Postdoctoral Fellow, Emory University, Biology Department
1995-2002 Ph.D., Neuroscience Program, Ohio University
1990-1994 B.A., Biology and Psychology Double Major, University of Delaware
2014-Present Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Saint Michael’s College
2010-2014 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Saint Michael’s College
Areas of Expertise:
Neurobiology / Neuroscience; Neuron Networks; Computer Modeling; Comparative Biology; Electrophysiology; Biophysical Modeling; Anatomy; Physiology
Courses I Teach:
Communications in the Biological Sciences
Human Anatomy & Physiology I/II
Introduction to Cell Biology and Genetics
The 5+ Senses: Our Window to the World (Senior Seminar)
Neuroscience: Physiology/Behavior
My recent scholarship involves both neurophysiology and computer modeling of biological processes. Through this experience, Saint Michael’s College is now one of a relatively few institutions that offers in-class experiences recording from single neurons and small networks of neurons, as well as working with computer models of these same neurons.
IR Davenport, AL Weaver, JP Wourms (2011) A Novel Set of Structures Within the Elasmobranch, Ovarian Follicle. J Morphol. May 2011; 272(5):557–565.
AL Weaver, RC Roffman, BJ Norris, RL Calabrese (2010) A Role for Compromise: Synaptic Inhibition and Electrical Coupling Interact to Control Phasing in the Leech Heartbeat CPG. Front Behav Neurosci. July 2010; 4(38):1-17.
J Meitzen, AL Weaver, EA Brenowitz, DJ Perkel (2009) Plastic and stable electrophysiological properties of adult avian forebrain song-control neurons across changing breeding conditions. J Neurosci. May 2009; 29(20):6558-67.
SL Hooper, E Buchman, AL Weaver, JB Thuma, KH Hobbs (2009) Slow conductances could underlie intrinsic phase-maintaining properties of isolated lobster (Panulirus interruptus) pyloric neurons. J Neurosci, Feb 2009; 29(6):1834-1845.
BJ Norris*, AL Weaver*, A Wenning, PA Garcia, RL Calabrese (2007) A central pattern generator producing alternative outputs: Pattern, strength and dynamics of premotor synaptic input to leech heart motor neurons. J Neurophysiol, Nov 2007; 98:2992-3005.
BJ Norris*, AL Weaver*, A Wenning, PA Garcia, RL Calabrese (2007) A central pattern generator producing alternative outputs: Phase relations of leech heart motor neurons with respect to premotor synaptic input. J Neurophysiol, Nov 2007; 98:2983-2991.
Awards & Recognition
2011-2012 Project Grant Award and two student grants, Vermont Genetics Network
2010 VPAA Summer Research Grants and two student grants, Saint Michael’s College
Recent Projects:
Characterize the central pattern generator neurons and their synaptic connections of the heartbeat system of North American leeches.
Noteworthy Activities:
I have mentored several undergraduate researchers on independent research projects, including Kristen Cowens, Danielle Shepard, and Amanda Willette.
Life Off Campus:
Outside Saint Michael’s, I enjoy cycling, skiing, computer programming and music production.
Recent News
Adam Weaver and Ruth Fabian-Fine of the biology/neuroscience faculty alongside eight of their well-prepared student researchers presented a program this past fall semester 2022 in the McCarthy Recital Hall, first in an exciting new “Solutions for Social Impact” series at the College, about “Shedding Light on Neurodegenerative Diseases for non-scientists.”
(posted February 2023)
Adam Weaver, associate professor of biology and neuroscience, Melissa VanderKaay Tomasulo, associate professor of psychology and director of the Neuroscience Program, and Ruth Fabian-Fine, assistant professor of biology and neuroscience, joined Saint Michael’s neuroscience and biology majors in presenting a variety of neuroscience topics at Burlington High School this past Saturday, October 20, for students from Burlington, South Burlington, Rice, Milton and Essex High Schools.
(posted January 2019)
Adam Weaver, associate professor of biology, recently collaborated with his former research student, Bryanna Evoy ’16, on a poster presentation, “Phase analysis in a reduced model of the leech heartbeat system,” which was presented in November 2016 at the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, CA. The experiment behind the presentation was performed on a mathematical model of a network in the leech nervous system responsible for blood flow to determine the role of network properties in producing functional motor patterns.
(posted June 2017)
Adam L. Weaver, assistant professor of biology spoke to the Neuroscience program at Middlebury College on Feb. 28. His topic was “Life-Sustaining Rhythm: Neuronal Analysis and Mathematical Models of the Leech Heartbeat System,” based on the work of his laboratory at Saint Michael’s investigating small networks of neurons called central pattern generators or “CPG’s” in order to gain insights from medicinal leeches on ways CPG’s affect nervous system functions and critical motor behaviors
(posted August 2014)