Tanzanian Fulbright scholar Msoka to visit campus

March 24, 2017

Fulbright Scholar and Professor Colman Titus Msoka, an urban sociologist from Tanzania, will be coming the campus of Saint Michael’s College under the auspices of the Outreach Lecturing Fund this coming week.

His main host during the visit, Patti Delaney, chair of the College’s sociology and anthropology faculty, said Saint Michael’s is inviting Professor Msoka to give a public lecture, “The Informal Economy in Urban Africa: The Case of Tanzania,” on Tuesday, March 28 at 7 p.m. in the Dion Student Center Roy Room.

In addition to this lecture, Msoka will meet informally with students in Sociology and Anthropology senior seminars. “He has also graciously offered to meet with a small group of students who are returning from or heading to study abroad in East Africa,” Delaney said. “We are also arranging a variety of meetings with interested faculty on our campus, including professors in Economics, Global Studies, Anthropology, and Applied Linguistics [and] we are hoping to arrange an informal gathering of colleagues from other institutions while he is in Vermont.”

Msoka is Fulbright Scholar in Residence from August 2016 –June 2017 in the Department of Sociology at Whitworth University in Spokane, WA, and his home institution is the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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