Ellen (Hartford) Adams ’87

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Current job title and employer and briefly describe what it is you do: I was in the Air Force ROTC at St. Mike’s. After I retired from the military, I used my GI Bill to attend culinary school. I started my own personal chef business in 2008.
Academic experience at Saint Michael's College help prepare you for your career: I loved St. Mike’s! I started at UNH and the big school environment was not a good fit for me. I transferred in for my sophomore year. I was shocked when one of my SMC professors knew I was from Littleton, NH. I don’t know how he knew that, but he remembered me and I was always very impressed by that. My father died in August right before my senior year started. I returned to school in a fog and somewhat lost. I credit my SMC friends, teachers, and Air Force officers in the ROTC office for seeing me through that difficult time. I had one session with Dave Landers and that was all I needed to help me get “back in the game.” I will never forget what he said to me as a counselor or how nice he was! SMC is a very special place that helped shape who I am today!
What advice would you give to women students: Get a mentor! Find someone who you admire and whose opinion you trust. It doesn’t have to be a female mentor, but if it’s a man make sure he has experience working with women. An outside, unbiased opinion can be invaluable when making career and life decisions. Many times I have sought advice from people who aren’t directly involved in my business and they have always given me another perspective. In some instances, it caused me to totally change direction.
What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in their organizations: Get as much education as you can and be a good team player. Volunteer for jobs that maybe you really don’t want to do, but do them and do them well. I volunteered to set up the office holiday party one year…it was a lot of work, but I got to personally brief the executive director on the planned festivities. The party was a huge success and whenever I saw the director from then on, he knew me by name!
What keeps you motivated and driven on a daily basis: I am driven by my desire to be a good role model and to positively contribute to my veteran community and my local community.
What woman most inspires you and why: I’ve always thought Michelle Obama was pretty “badass” and classy all at the same time! Even through all of the hatred, she represented the United States with grace and dignity.
Anything else you would like to add: I think women need to be well rounded as far as education, experience, and open mindedness. Many times, we will be with people who do not think like we do, but it’s important to listen and not to make judgements. In order to make a positive contribution, it’s important to see both sides of the issue. Be fair, be consistent, and be open to differing opinions.