Paula Devereaux '80

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Current job title and employer and briefly describe what it is you do: I am a Partner at Pierce Atwood LLP.
Tell us a little about yourself: I live with my husband Rick and our dog, Ginger, in Nahant, MA, a small coastal community on the North Shore of Boston. I am a partner at Pierce Atwood in Boston and do a lot of work with real estate owners and developers in the City of Boston and surrounding areas. I am the current president of the Real Estate Bar Association of Mass. – an association of real estate lawyers committed to education and advocacy on real estate matters in Massachusetts. My husband and I are fortunate to have a home in Vermont where we ski and hike, often with friends who are also St. Mike’s alumni.
Can you describe your Saint Michael’s College experience: Saint Michael’s was great for me – a small liberal arts college that encouraged me to learn, make mistakes, and grow as a person through academic and personal experiences. And it fostered a life-long love of Vermont.
What advice would you give to current female students: Do what interests and excites you – not just what you think you “should” do. Get involved and remain engaged – and have fun doing it. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions and speak up.
What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in their organizations: Ask questions, be aware, foster relationships and don’t shy away from saying yes – whether to a new task, project or outside activity (especially if it helps your organization and helps raise your profile), and try to stay positive (not always easy) but so beneficial as you move through life and work.
What keeps you motivated and driven every day: My clients and their projects keep me challenged. It is rewarding to see projects I work on built or renovated and occupied. My family, friends, skiing and exercise also help keep me motivated. I also just changed law firms – and feel motivated and energized by the change.