Social Security Numbers

Social Security Numbers

The Social Security number is a string of nine digit that the U.S. government uses to record an employee’s wages. A student is eligible to apply for a Social Security card after receiving an offer of employment. The process for applying for a Social Security card follows:

  1. The student asks their supervisor to email the Office for International Students to confirm the student’s job title, the start date of employment, and that the student will not work more than 20 hours per week while classes are in session.
  2. The student reports to the Office for International Students to complete the one-page application form for a Social Security number, and the Foreign National Information form (if applicable).
  3. The student brings the completed application form, a letter of support from the Office for International Students, the valid passport with U.S. visa, the most recent Form I-94, and the Form I-20 to the Social Security Administration Office at 128 Lakeside Avenue in Burlington.

Social Security cards are generally received within two weeks of submitting a completed application.