Bret Findley Professor of Chemistry

Ph.D. Dartmouth College
B.A. Willamette University
Areas of Expertise:
Experimental Physical Chemistry; Photo-Induced Electron Transfer Reactions; Molecular Spectroscopy; Physical Chemistry Pedagogy
Courses I Teach:
Chemistry Senior Seminar
Concepts in Chemistry
General Chemistry I and II
Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Environmental Chemistry
Research Grants:
“Two Studies Involving Photo-Induced Electron Transfer”; Findley, B. R. (PI), Junior Faculty Summer Stipend from the SMC Provost’s Office, $3,000, 6/1/07 – 8/31/07
“Two Studies Involving Electron-Donor-Acceptor Complexes”; Findley, B. R. (PI), Contribution to the Renewal of the NIH Grant submitted by the Vermont Genetics Network, $66,000 (Research and Laboratory Renovations), 6/1/05 – 5/31/06
“Two Studies Involving Electron-Donor-Acceptor Complexes”; Findley, B. R. (PI), Vermont Genetics Network Summer Research Grant, $10,000, 5/15/04 – 6/30/04
“Investigations Involving Photo-Induced Electron Transfer in Electron-Donor-Acceptor Complexes”, Research Support from the Vermont Genetics Network Block Grant to Saint Michael’s College, $6,612, 10/24/03 – 6/30/04
“Digital Oscilloscope for Transient Decay Measurements”; Van Houten, J. (PI); Findley, B. R. (Co-PI), Vermont EPSCoR Equipment Support for Faculty at Baccalaureate Institutions, $20,375, Submitted 10/15/03
“The Solvent Separated Radical Ion Pair in Electron-Donor-Acceptor and Diffusional Encounter Complexes”; Findley, B. R. (PI), Vermont Genetics Network Summer Research Grant, $10,000, 6/03 – 9/03
“The Solvent Separated Radical Ion Pair in Electron-Donor-Acceptor Complexes”; Findley, B. R. (PI), Vermont EPSCoR Summer Research Grant, $10,000, 6/03 – 9/03
Mentored Student Research Grant Proposals
Katelyn Billings SMC ’10, Mentored Student Grant through the NASA-National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, Summer 2007, $7,300
Nghi Tu SMC ’09, Provost Student-Faculty Research, Summer 2007, $4,000
Makaila Gallup SMC ’09, Provost Student-Faculty Research, Summer 2007, $4,000
Ian Stanton SMC ’07, Provost Student-Faculty Research, Summer 2005, $3,500
Addison Bouchard SMC ’05, Vermont Genetics Network, Summer 2004, $4,500
Joshua Schoenly SMC ’05, Vermont Genetics Network, Summer 2004, $4,500
Joshua Schoenly SMC ’05, Vermont Genetics Network, Summer 2003, $4,500
Jessica Rabideau SMC ’04, Vermont Genetics Network, Summer 2003, $4,500
Nicholas James SMC ’04, Vermont Genetics Network, Summer 2003, $4,500
“Integrating Statistical Mechanics with Experimental Data from the Vibrational-Rotational Spectrum of HCl into the Physical Chemistry Laboratory”; Findley, B. R.; Mylon, S. J. Chem. Ed. 2008, 85, 1670.
“The Solution Dynamics of Photoinduced Geminate Radical Ion Pairs: Free Ion Formation”; Zhou, J.; Findley, B. R.; Francis, T. M.; Nytko, E. A.; Braun, C. L. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2002, 362, 63.
“Long Distance Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Solutions: A Mechanism for Producing Large Yields of Free Ions By Electron Transfer Quenching”; Zhou, J.; Shah, R. P.; Findley, B. R.; Braun, C. L. J. Phys. Chem. A 2002, 106, 12.
“The Separation Distance Distribution in Electron-Donor-Acceptor Systems and the Wavelength Dependence of Free Ion Yields”; Zhou, J.; Findley, B. R.; Braun, C. L.; Sutin, N. J. Chem. Phys. 2001, 114, 10448.
“Ion Pairs from Photoexcited ‘Random’ Electron Donors and Acceptors: Alkylbenzenes and Tetracyanoethylene”; Zhou, J.; Findley, B. R.; Teslja, A.; Braun, C. L.; Sutin, N. J. Phys. Chem. A 2000, 104, 11512.
“Larger than Expected Free Ion Yields from the Photoexcited Trans-Stilbene/Fumaronitrile CT Complex in a Variety of Solvents”; Findley, B. R.; Smirnov, S. N.; Braun, C. L. J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102, 6385.
Awards & Recognition
Sigma Xi / American Chemical Society Member
Florian von Eschen Award in chemistry, Willamette University
Rotary International Scholarship for one year abroad, Universität Regensburg, Germany
National Merit Commendation
2011 Norbert A. Kuntz Service Award
Life Off Campus:
I enjoy sports with racquets (especially squash and tennis), running, hiking, skiing of all varieties, gardening, bridge and playing with my labradoodle, Maddy.
Recent News
Bret Findley of the chemistry faculty and George Ashline of mathematics collaborated (remotely) this summer with students on research projects thanks to National Science Foundation “S-STEM” summer funding support. The students were Mitch Andrea ’22,and Dylan Wawruck ’22. Said George, “They worked diligently on developing and refining classroom-ready activities and exercises making connections between chemistry and mathematics. They also assisted with our beta-testing process, through which we are gathering survey feedback from other undergraduates about the activities.” George further shared how Barbara O’Donovan, instructor of engineering and mathematics & statistics, Engineering Program coordinator, has been involved with the project, “and offered valuable input and suggestions for these activities. She has used or plans to use some of them when teaching Calculus I.” A key element behind these opportunities is a $1 million National Science Foundation federal grant awarded to the College three years ago that aims to advance such connections and is able to pay stipends to the students as a summer job for their projects.
(posted February 2022)
Bret Findley of the chemistry faculty, Alain Brizard of the physics faculty and George Ashline of the mathematics faculty all managed to supervise substantial student research projects over the summer despite the pandemic by using virtual tools when necessary. Bret supervised one project on introducing students to “computational chemistry”; Bret and George oversaw a student project developing exercises for students that more clearly link calculus and chemistry; Alain supervised a project exploring oscillating chemical reactions.
(posted February 2021)
Bret Findley, Christina Chant and Shane Lamos of the Saint Michael’s chemistry faculty all attended the 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education at the University of Notre Dame at the beginning of the month. Christina gave a talk, Bret gave a talk and presented a poster — talk title “Introducing Problems Involving Environmental Topics to Enhance Learning and Interest in Physical Chemistry” and poster title “Using Thermo-Solvatochromism to Measure the Impact of Temperature on Solvent Stabilization” — and Shane continued his work writing a national organic chemistry exam for the American Chemical Society. The Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) is a national meeting sponsored by the Division of Chemical Education (DivCHED) of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The Conference is designed for those who teach chemistry at all levels.