Engineering Students Present Capstones at UVM
Students completing the Saint Michael’s College-University of Vermont 3+2 Engineering Program presented their Senior Capstone Projects at the Engineering Design Night on April 26. These year-long projects involve students working in teams on applications proposed by local businesses, public services, or university research groups. At the lively poster session held in the Grand Maple Ballroom at the Dudley Davis Center on the University of Vermont’s campus, teams of students presented their work to an appreciative audience that crowded around the posters and displays, including Saint Michael’s Professors Barbara O’Donovan and Greta Pangborn.

Joey Del Toro ’24 and his team’s project “Auto Lift for AT Binding” which offered an app that connects by Bluetooth to a mechanism that automatically lifts the risers on an AT Backcountry Ski binding.

Benjamin Como ’24 with his team’s project “Ceramic Coating Wear Tester” where a test fixture was developed to evaluate the wear characteristics of ceramic coatings applied to a steel belt for Hazelett.
Amanda Gagne ’24 with her project “Automated Preform Tube Cleaning.” Her team’s design automates the process of cleaning residue from tubes after they’re used in coating electrical wire.
Jacob Burcroff ’24 with his project “Town Path Slope Repair Design” for the Barre Department of Public Works. His team worked to design repairs for a bike path and adjacent slope that were damaged by July 2023 flooding.
Martin Kleiner ’24 worked with a team on the “AeroTrak Wheel Bearing Upgrade” project which redesigned the side idler wheel of small carts to improve their ability to deliver wafers at Global Foundries.