Advising in KnightVision Self Service

Academic advisors can now use KnightVision Self Service to view students’ progress towards degrees and help plan out coursework for multiple semesters. Use the resources below to learn advising best practices and how to access and best utilize these new advising tools.

Advising Best Practices in Self Service & How to Clear Student for Registration

1. Ask your advisee to use Student Planning to plan their courses for the coming semester (if not further out) and then Request Review.

2. Then, make time to review the student’s submitted plan and any previous notes submitted. Use the link below to learn more about how to review an advisee’s plan.

1. Discuss the student’s plan and the reasons behind any changes that you made to the plan.

2. Use the Notes tab to record conversations and decisions made in your advising meeting.

3. When the student’s academic plan is finalized, click the ‘Review Complete’ button to archive the plan so you and your advisee can access it in the future. Click on the Plan Archive tab to access all archived plans.

4. Then, click the ‘Advisement Complete’ button to clear advisee for registration.