Carol (Von Oehsen) Piccaro '80

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Current job title and employer and briefly describe what it is you do: I am the President of U.S. Chemicals, LLC.
Tell us a little about yourself: I live in Darien, CT. I am President of U.S. Chemicals, LLC. My father, Howard Von Oehsen, former trustee for Saint Michael’s College, started the company in 1960. We are a customer service company that sells chemical ingredients to end users in the personal care, oral care and home care industries. Our sole focus is to provide the best in class service to those companies that value diversity in their supply chain, our woman-owned status.
I met my husband, Chris, at Saint Michael’s. Both of our kids are on my board and we meet quarterly throughout the year. Chris Jr. lives in Portland, OR and is attending boot camp for coding and our daughter Michele is a product manager at Amazon in Seattle, WA.
I love to work out and practice yoga. I enjoy kayaking, biking, skiing, and traveling. My husband Chris and I love traveling back to Burlington for board meetings and visits to our old stomping grounds.
Can you describe your Saint Michael’s College experience: Going to Saint Michael’s College was a wonderful experience. Many of our closest friends are Saint Michael’s alumni. We also keep in touch with some of our favorite professors and coaches.
What advice would you give to current female students: You go girl! You can be whatever you put your mind to. Start a company!
What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in their organizations: Persistence and perseverance.
What keeps you motivated and driven every day: The fact that life is full of adventures and there are many out there that I have not experienced!