Meg Fleming '92

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Current job title and employer and briefly describe what it is you do: President & CEO, SymQuest Group.
Academic experience at Saint Michael's College help prepare you for your career: I studied psychology and as a third-generation graduate, St. Michael’s always played a very prominent role in my family. Growing up, I always wanted to be a Purple Knight and follow in my Dad’s footsteps. The stories he shared about his time on campus made his experiences come to life. When it was my turn, St. Mike’s did not disappoint. I was able to grow and create my own stories. The small class size was a perfect match for my learning style, and the opportunity to be more involved with volunteering through the MOVE program was a great experience. When my mother passed away during the summer of my sophomore year, the faculty, staff, and my core group of friends helped support me to get back on track. I firmly believe that my experience at St. Michael’s helped round out my rough edges and helped to define the person that I have become today. The connections that I have built extend far beyond my time spent on campus. The reinforcement of the importance of giving to others, the sense of community, and the lifelong connections that are formed even outside your class year make us all part of something bigger, something stronger. A true sense of connection and family.
What advice would you give to women students:
- Life will be full of surprises and opportunities. Be adventurous and take the risk.
- Find something you are passionate about and commit 100% to it. It may not be the first thing you see; however, know that it may be your destiny.
- Always live by your core values and don’t compromise you — ever.
- Never let someone tell you that you can’t. If you think you can, go for it!
What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in their organizations: When I started my career in the field of technology, it was a very male-dominated field. Some things I learned early on were…
- Be willing to stretch your mind and always continue to learn.
- Don’t be afraid to let your voice be heard. Share with your manager the areas that you are interested in learning more about so they are aware of your future interests.
- Network with others within the organization so you are building more active relationships.
- Raise your hand for challenging projects or to become involved in working groups. This will allow you to have leaders see you outside of your normal day-to-day.
- Focus on learning from mistakes versus dwelling on them. Fail forward. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s about how we recover and learn for the next time.
What keeps you motivated and driven on a daily basis: I believe that the best way to stay motivated is to do something that you love. When you are following your passion, it isn’t hard to move forward.
What woman most inspires you and why: I have been blessed to have so many women that have been role models in my life; in my family, at work, or in society it is hard for me to pick just one. If I were to highlight the characteristics that I find inspiring they include; kindness, confidence, strength of character, perseverance, and commitment. I find that women who have been change-makers, passionate about their vocation while never wavering from their mission and purpose to be very motivational. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to know so many women that carry these attributes that I can’t choose just one.