Megan Moloney Murphy ’90

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Current job title and employer and briefly describe what it is you do: I am the founder of The Kindness Rocks Project.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I graduated SMC in 1990 with a political science degree and shortly after graduating married my classmate Matt Murphy and moved to Cape Cod where we currently live and where we were blessed to raise our three daughters. Living on Cape Cod is a different lifestyle being mainly a place where people come to vacation from around the world, which was why I became an entrepreneur. I opened a chain of fashion jewelry retail stores called bella of Cape Cod along the Main Streets of Chatham, Hyannis and Falmouth and enjoyed the process of learning about business and the importance of giving back to the community. Twelve years went by quickly and as we were sending our oldest daughter away to college (SMC) I realized that I had lost the joy of running a business. I sold my shares and began walking the beaches on the Cape searching for my next venture. While on these walks I realized that my personal definition of success had changed along the way. I wanted to find something that I loved to do while making a difference in the world, but I had no idea how to go about this. I did, however, notice others walking that very same beach looking sad or lonely and I realized that maybe I could make a small difference by painting inspiring messages on beach rocks and leave them scattered around for these people to find. I continued painting day after day hoping that the messages I was leaving would make someone smile. Soon my personal hobby went viral on social media and people from around the world were reaching out to me asking how they could join me. The Kindness Rocks Project can now be found in over 50 countries and people around the world are painting it forward! “One message at just the right moment can change someone’s entire day, outlook or entire life!” Today I now travel and speak to schools, organizations and corporations about the importance of kindness and compassion and how one person CAN make a difference. I am proud to say I have found great joy in my work.
Tell us about your Saint Michael’s College experience: I transferred into SMC in my Sophomore year. I had had a difficult Freshman year at UMass as I felt insignificant at such a big school. I had HS friends at Saint Mikes and so I decided to take a ski trip to VT and visit the campus. Three years was too short! I loved my experience at SMC and I am so happy I found it!
What advice would you give to female students: Each of us has a special gift to share with the world. Once you embrace your talents and follow the path that brings you personal joy, you will begin to realize the power that you possess to make a lasting impact on those around you.
What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in their organizations:
- Kindness: Be kind and you will attract kindness back to you.
- Authenticity: Be YOU, in every moment and trust that instinct of yours. Your authenticity will help you stand out in a crowd.
- Work hard, really hard. If you are fortunate to find something you love to do, give it your all and success will follow.
- Never be afraid to fail: Fear is the number one thing that holds us back from achieving the things that we wish to accomplish. Each time we fail, we learn valuable information that is crucial for us to move forward.
- Never be too attached to the outcome of anything; if you work really hard, and give it your all, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and if things do not work out (as we can’t always control the outcome) you may feel disappointment for the outcome but not in yourself and that makes all of the difference!
What keeps you motivated and driven on a daily basis: Each day, I begin my day in gratitude. When we are grateful for the smallest things we are content… that way my motivation becomes more about being in service of others rather than acquiring more for myself.
What woman most inspires you and why: There are truly so many that I could not simply pick one. I would say when I meet women who are confident and compassionate that is a strong combination and I admire those two qualities in other women.
Is there anything we haven’t asked that you would like to add: If I were to leave a rock message for all of the younger women out there it would read: Be yourself, everyone else is taken!