Peter Kowalski '83

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Which part of your liberal arts education at SMC has been the most valuable to you?
I was an Environmental Science major at SMC and spent much of my time in Cheray Science Hall. Taking science classes from professors who were passionate about sharing their knowledge in small classes was most valuable to me. I also benefited from non-science courses such as economics, philosophy, and Christian bioethics to help me think critically about important issues in our society.
Was there a particular lecture, course, book, professor, staff member or extracurricular activity that made an indelible impact on your career path or life, or shaped who you are now?
My career path led me to public health as an Environmental Health Scientist at the Centers Disease Control and Prevention. My biology, chemical and physics coursework provided a solid framework for my career. I particularly enjoyed Dr. Bolduc’s demography class, which was required for environmental science majors, and taking this class spurred my interest in a public health career related to environmental science.