Return of in-person alumni events is something to celebrate
Purple and Gold Day is March 30 this year, promises to deliver pre-pandemic vitality in multiple locations; reunions are in June back on campus, in Burlington

In these file photo images, Saint Michael’s people network and have fun together at a recent alumni event at the Hula complex in Burlington. Hula bills itself as a “technology coworking campus and business accelerator.”
After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Saint Michael’s College has begun to welcome alumni to in-person events once again.
The return to in-person events launched last March with Purple and Gold Day 2022. Each year Saint Michael’s College hosts Purple and Gold Day for alumni to connect across the country and flaunt their Purple Knight pride. Last year the College held four socials to celebrate: One in Burlington, Boston, New York City, and Washington D.C.
This year Purple and Gold Day will take place on March 30 with 23 socials happening from coast to coast.
The past year has also seen the return of the in-person Career Symposium, class reunions, alumni speaker panels, networking events for current students and alumni, and even a Celtics game.
“We hear it all the time, the aspect of Saint Michael’s College that Purple Knights appreciate the most is the community,” said Sydney Rybicki ‘18 M’21, the Assistant Director for Alumni and Family Engagement. “Alumni events are important because they are opportunities for Purple Knights to connect to the SMC community, even if they are far from campus.”
Among Rybicki’s favorite in-person traditions are the class reunions — the largest event that the College hosts in a given year. This years Reunion Weekend will be June 2-4.

Networking across generations.
“It’s amazing to see all of the classes from the 1950s and 1960s all the way up to the 2010s interact with one another, asking each other what their major was, where they lived on campus, and what they were involved in,” Rybicki said. “Whether you come to see old friends from your days at SMC, or if you’re hoping to share stories with Purple Knights from other classes younger and older than you, there is palpable purple and gold spirit in all of our alumni gatherings!”
“To quote our new Director of Admission, Marcy O’Malley ‘84, there’s a ‘radical hospitality’ on our campus and in our Purple Knight community.” Rybicki said. “The students who wait with the door held open for you grow up into seasoned professionals who then offer their time, talent, and treasure to Purple Knights out in the workforce and in the world.”
For current students and alumni alike, Rybicki said to never be afraid to reach out on SMC Connect and LinkedIn. “They’re always happy to lend a hand to help another Purple Knight get ahead,” she said.
Check out the Alumni Events Calendar to see the exciting events planned for the month of April and beyond.