Course Catalog: 2024 Summer Session 1
Accelerated Summer College students can take up to two of the courses below, each course is worth four credits (unless otherwise specified). Students should be advised that credits earned at Saint Michael’s College are transferable at the discretion of the receiving institution. All courses meet 100% online (most asynchronously) for all 6 weeks.
Accelerated Summer College Catalog – Summer Session 1: May 20 – June 28, 2024
AR 214: Digital Animation and Motion Graphics – Professor Gordon Glover
Digital Animation & Motion Graphics moves students with little or no knowledge of digital image creation and manipulation through the steps necessary to create animation, motion graphics, and video composites useful in web, television, gallery, mobile, and cinematic applications.
CORE: Literature & The Arts
BI 108 Topics: Human Nutrition – Professor Jim Willard
This lab science course is designed to provide you with the tools necessary to study and comment intelligently on the role of nutrition in the total human life cycle. We will examine human physiological requirements for and the chemistry of the nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, lipid, minerals, vitamins, and water. Each chapter lists specific objectives to be met. The laboratory component of the course consists of experiments that apply these tools to real nutritional situations.
LSC: Scientific Reasoning
CORE: Scientific Inquiry
BI 207 Human Anatomy and Physiology – Professor Paul Constantino
Students will study the structures of the vertebrate body and will also learn how the vertebrate structure has been modified over evolutionary time. The primary focus will be on mammalian, including human, anatomy.
Pre-reqs: (BI-151 or BI-152 Minimum Grades C-) and (BI-153 Minimum Grade C).
BI 257 Virology – Professor Dagan Loisel
Despite their tiny size, viruses have a huge impact on life on Earth. In this course, we will explore the different types of viruses, the basic make up and structure of viruses, the ways that they move from one host to another, how they invade and manipulate host cells, and the many potential consequences of viral infection. In addition, we will discuss selected viral diseases, the human immune defenses, and how we can protect ourselves against dangerous viral pathogens.
Pre-reqs: (BI-153; Minimum grade C) and (CH-103 or CH-110)
Business Administration
BU 215 Marketing – Professor Robert Letovsky
This course will provide a review of the fundamental topics in marketing management, and expose the student to various analytical and decision making tools currently used by marketing managers. The course will focus on the various elements of the marketing mix, and on how the marketing manager must control and integrate each of them to achieve competitive advantage.
Digital Media & Communications
DMC 209 Introduction to Digital Photography and Visual Storytelling – Professor Jerry Swope
This online course introduces students to the art and craft of digital photography as a means for visual storytelling. Students will learn to create thoughtful digital images using whatever digital camera they have available (camera phone, point and shoot or digital SLR) and learn to edit and manipulate images using Adobe Photoshop or other free professional quality editing software. While assignments will span a range of genres, emphasis will placed on documentary photography.
CORE: Literature and the Arts
ED 241 Multicultural Literature for Children and Adolescents – Soo Joung Kim
This is a survey course introducing literature for children and adolescents with emphasis on criteria for identifying high quality fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Students will develop familiarity with a broad range of books for all ages and the implications of developmental characteristics for book selection. Theory and research about reader response, gender, and multiculturalism will be examined. Students are expected to read a substantial number of books for children and adolescents.
Core: Literature & The Arts
Environmental Studies
ES 107 Environmental Science – Professor David Heroux
This course is a science-based investigation of the Earth as a system, with application to understanding many issues in contemporary environmental policy. Science is an attempt to discover how nature works. Through careful observation, measurements, experimentation, and modeling, students will explore issues in contemporary environmental science. These include climate change, biodiversity, deforestation, ecosystem structure and function, population, biogeochemical cycling, energy, as well as investigations of environmental problems, their causes, and solutions.
LSC: Scientific Reasoning
CORE: Scientific Inquiry
ID 498: Internship Practicum – Professor Paul Olsen
This course offers opportunities for supervised work experience. Interns focus on integrating theory and practice while developing skills required for success in a business environment. This course is designed for a student’s first internship experience.
Students must have an internship in place by the second week of the semester. They can contact the instructor for guidelines, or the Career Education Office by making an appointment in Handshake.
Restrictions: 2.0 GPA or higher. Not open to student who’ve already completed an academic internship, ID-498, or BU-498. Students who have completed or are currently enrolled in BU-498/ID-498 should meet with a Career Coach to learn alternatives to receive credit for an additional internship.
Public Health
PB 101 Introduction to Public Health – Instructor TBA
This course provides an introduction to the field of public health. Students will learn of the connectivity of public health and health care and the roles of personal behavior, social determinants, race, ethnicity, and income. Students will learn about prevention, protection and health promotion, as well as the domestic and global implications of public health.
PH 103 Philosophy and the Good Life – Professor Patrick Standen
The course both shows the student the nature and value of philosophical inquiry, using only primary texts such as Plato’s dialogues and other major philosophical writings, and, at the same time, invites the student to become personally philosophical by developing their own way of seeing the meaning and value of things. One way of coming to see how deeply human and profoundly personal the questions of meaning and value examined in philosophy are is by coming to understand how they would remain unanswered even if some day we were able to answer all the questions of the sciences.
CORE: Philosophical Questions
Students may take PH-103 only once.
Political Science
PO 220 U.S. Food Politics – Professor Michael Bosia
Investigates the connections between food choices and political and cultural power; considers decisions about production and distribution as economic, environmental, and social, from farms to restaurants, slaughter houses to home kitchens; revealing day-to-day politics as well as alternatives approaches.
PO 245 Introduction to International Relations – Professor Jeffrey Ayres
This course introduces students to the study of international relations, focusing especially on the interactions between states and non-state actors in the international environment. Emphasis is placed on understanding the major theoretical approaches to international relations, and applying them to consider enduring and contemporary issues and problems in international affairs.
LSC: Global Issues OR Social and Institutional
CORE: History & Society
PS 101 General Psychology – Professor Melissa McDuffie
General Psychology is an introduction to the field of psychology, its methods, major perspectives, theories, and applications. The course explores basic sub-discipline areas of psychology such as neuroscience, perception, learning and memory, cognition, development, social psychology, personality, psychological disorders, and treatments.
PS 110 Lifespan Development – Professor Melissa Vanderkaay Tomasulo
Students will gain understanding of the development of human individuals through physical, cognitive, and socioemotional components from conception to death. Theoretical and experimental approaches will be examined, and emphasis will be placed on applying these principles to relationships and situations across one’s lifespan. The nature-nurture debate will also be addressed.
Note: This course may not be counted towards the psychology major or minor.
PS 252 Child Development – Professor Renee Carrico
An introduction to the basic principles of human growth and development from the prenatal period through middle childhood. Topics include physical, perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and language development. The hereditary, psychological, and environmental influences on development will be considered, along with a variety of theoretical and experimental approaches to studying development.
PS 350 Psychology of Health and Illness – Professor Melissa Vanderkaay Tomasulo
Theory and research regarding the biological, psychological, and social aspects of health and illness will be examined. The interrelationships of stress, emotion, and illnesses including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and immune dysfunction will be discussed. Students will complete a health genealogy project to improve his/her quality of life (physical and psychological).
SO 107 Social Problems – Professor Inaash Islam
This course is focused on contemporary social problems, particularly on how issues come to be “public” issues and eventually defined as problems in need of resolution. Often taught from the “constructionist” perspective, the problems that receive the greatest attention range from year to year and professor to professor. Common problems include, poverty, stratification, prejudice and discrimination, drug and alcohol abuse, gangs, violence, hunger, economic development and many other topics. As with Introduction to Sociology, this course focuses on the basic institutions of society.
CORE: History & Society AND Engaging Diverse Identities
SO 221 Race and Ethnic Relations – Professor Inaash Islam
This course explores the interethnic and “racial” dynamics in society and how they came to be characterized in the manner that they are. As a Sociology course, particular emphasis will be placed on the institutional and cultural dimensions.
CORE: Engaging Diverse Identities