Course Catalog: 2024 Summer Session 2
Accelerated Summer College students can take up to two of the courses below, each course is worth four credits. Students should be advised that credits earned at Saint Michael’s College are transferable at the discretion of the receiving institution.
Accelerated Summer College Catalog – Summer Session 2: July 1 – August 9. All courses are 100% online and asynchronous.
Applied Linguistics
AL 101 Introduction to Language and Linguistics – Professor April Shandor
This course provides an introduction to the nature and structure of human language, as well as the basic methods of its scientific study. The course is framed in terms of four guiding questions: what are the components of the language system; how do we acquire this system; how is this system used in society; and how is this system represented in the brain.
CORE: History & Society
Notes: Optional Applied Language Component
Business Administration
BU 111 Excel and Business Applications – Professor Karen Popovich
Part one of this course introduces students to Microsoft Excel via an online platform of lessons and exams. The course prepares students for the MOS Excel 2019 Associate Certification, which is optional. There is a separate testing fee payable to Saint Michael’s. Part two explores information technology and trends in business application of technology. We will explore relevant and current research for management and leadership in today’s data and thought-driven economy.
Note: Credit will not be given for BU-111 if credit has been given for BU-175.
BU 214 Management – Professor Karen Popovich
This survey course covers the basic principles and management fundamentals of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Topics covered include leadership, group dynamics, team management, motivation, and communication skills.
Restrictions: AC/BU Majors and Minors and IS Majors Only.
CH 101 Concepts in Chemistry – Professor Christina Chant
The classical principles of chemistry, applied to modern-day science and technology. Possible topics include nutrition, food additives, drugs, nuclear power, plastics, and environmental problems. The laboratories provide students with the fundamentals of chemical experimentation, observations, and instrumentation, with an emphasis on everyday materials and experiences.
LSC: Scientific Reasoning
CORE: Scientific Inquiry
Classical and Modern Languages and Literature
CL 118 Ancient Medicine and the Greek & Latin Roots of Scientific Terminology – Professor Keeley Schell
In this course you will study the origin and development of Western medicine in ancient Greece and Rome while you are learning to crack the international code of scientific language by studying the Greek and Latin roots of modern scientific terminology.
Digital Media & Communications
DMC 219 Social Media Marketing – Professor Sebastiaan Gorissen
Marketing and advertising professionals are increasingly turning to social media to achieve strategic communication objectives ranging from brand promotions and direct sales to troubleshooting and customer care. This course introduces the foundations and methodologies of building, analyzing, and maintaining social media marketing initiatives for individuals and organizations, investigating critical considerations concerning communities, cultures, forms of communication, and (potentially harmful) content to foster continued growth and audience engagement within this volatile dimension of the marketing landscape.
ID 498 Internship Practicum – Professor Ingrid Peterson
The online Internship Practicum is designed to support the internship site experience and assist with the integration of learning from the theoretical to the practical by providing a means of reflection and learning. This course offers students the opportunity to share their internship experiences and concerns in a team setting and includes opportunities to develop personal and professional skills. Assignments and online discussions will be related to the internship experience. This course is open to students of all majors.
MU 247 History of Rock – Professor William Ellis
This course examines the historical, social, cultural, and musical forces that contributed to the emergence and subsequent development and impact of rock and roll as an enduring form of popular music. Performers, genres, song and style analysis, regional distinctions, and more are addressed with contextual depth and nuance.
LSC: Historical Studies
CORE: Literature & The Arts
Philosophy & Ethics
PH 103 Philosophy and the Good Life – Professor Keir Willett
What is a life well-lived? What is the role of ethics in the good life? What gives life meaning? In this course, students will explore these fundamental questions and others in dialogue with a range of philosophical thinkers and texts.
CORE: Philosophical Questions
Political Science
PO 286 Politics of the World Economy – Professor Shefali Misra
An examination of power conflict at the international economic level and its impact on the politics of various states, regions and interests. Topics include the politics of trade, aid, debt, multinational corporations, and the globalization of the world economy.
LSC: Global Issues
CORE: History & Society
PS 250 Social Psychology – Professor Sarah Nosek
This course focuses on individuals and how their thoughts and behaviors are influenced by the presence, real or imagined, of others. This is a departmental survey course that will include topics such as the self, social cognition, social influence, group dynamics, prejudice, attraction, helping behavior, aggression and conflict.
Pre-reqs: PS 101 or SO 101
PS 320 Forensic Psychology – Professor David Boynton
This course examines psychological research, methods, theory, and practice as they apply to legal system processes. Experimental (e.g., jury selection) and clinical (e.g., assessment of insanity) applications receive equal weight. Consideration is also given to the proper place of social science in legal and public policy issues.
Pre-reqs: PS 213 or equivalent
ST 120 Elementary Statistics – Professor Warren Sides
Description of sample data; probability distributions including the Normal distribution; correlation and regression; sampling; hypothesis testing; statistical inference; other topics may include Chi-square tests, multiple regression, and ANOVA.
LSC or CORE: Quantitative Reasoning