The 4-4 Curriculum at Saint Michael’s

At Saint Michael’s, students typically take four four-credit courses each semester. We also offer a number of half-courses (two credits each). Full-time tuition allows students to take four or four and a half courses each semester, or a maximum of 18 credits. Students who take at least three full courses (12 credits) are considered full-time students. Students need 128 credits to graduate.

The 4-4 curriculum presents a focused and in-depth experience that emphasizes critical and careful reading, writing, research, and various kinds of experiential learning. We expect students to spend on average at least 10 hours per week on each course – including work done both inside and outside the classroom.

A Distinctive Way of Learning

The majority of the top 50 national liberal arts colleges have some version of a 4-4 curriculum. Studies have shown that today’s students have improved learning outcomes when they can spend more time studying and exploring subjects in greater depth each semester. Saint Michael’s has a distinctive 4-4 curriculum that emphasizes deep and engaged learning, and also incorporates, through our Core Curriculum, a significant general education program for all students.