The Kelley Ski Center at Saint Michael’s College

New life for a historic building: an investment in our future

Greatness on the rise

Saint Michael’s Alpine and Nordic teams are the best they’ve ever been.
It’s time to take them to the next level.

Saint Michael’s College is proud to announce the opening of a dedicated ski center, designed to meet the unique demands of our Alpine and Nordic ski teams. With the support of Tom Kelley ’69, his wife Denise, and committed support from alumni, parents, and the local community, the Kelley Ski Center will have a lasting and positive impact on some of Saint Michael’s best and most promising athletes, now and far into the future. 

Fall 2024 Update

One year after a celebratory groundbreaking on the new Kelley Ski Center, Saint Michael’s Nordic and Alpine skiing teams gathered with family, alumni, and other supporters to celebrate the center’s official grand opening.

View photos from the ceremony in the gallery below and read an article about the grand opening, written by Nordic Skier Izzy Quam ’25.

Summer 2024 Update

Saint Michael’s College is pleased to announce the grand opening of the Kelley Ski Center will take place on Friday, September 20th at 5:30 p.m. Campus and community partners are invited to join student-athletes, coaches, parents, College leadership, faculty, and staff at this historic ribbon-cutting.


Fall 2023 (Update)

On Saturday, September 23rd the Kelley Ski Center groundbreaking was celebrated by more than 70 community members including trustees, Interim President Lewis Thayne, ski alumni, parents, staff and current student-athletes. Remarks from numerous campus leaders, coaches, team captains and long-time ski program supporter Tom Kelley ’69 touched on the history of skiing at Saint Michael’s, the excitement this project generated and how the new center will propel the Alpine and Nordic teams to even greater heights. A cheer erupted when it was announced that the project had met its fundraising goal of $350,000, ensuring that the renovation of the first floor of Senior Hall races forward. Donations from Ski teams supporters made this milestone event possible. Thank you to all who are investing in the future of Saint Michael’s Skiing!

View photos from the ceremony in the gallery below and read an article about the groundbreaking, written by Nordic Skier Izzy Quam ’25, here:

The Kelley Alpine and Nordic Ski Center

History-making today, higher profile tomorrow

Saint Michael's College Ski Center rendering

Rendering of the Kelley Ski Center in Senior Hall

This capital initiative is an exciting addition that will propel the world-class Purple Knight Alpine and Nordic ski teams to new heights. Hailing from around the world and across the country, our current roster of skiers will make the 2024-25 season one for the record books.

From regular season carnivals to postseason NCAA championships, our ski teams continue raising the bar. In 2023 alone, they set school records for team placement, podium finishes (10) and All-America performances (5). In 2024, the Nordic team had its best finishes in decades for both the men’s and women’s programs while Alpine skier Simen Strand ‘24 broke the school record for NCAA All-American accolades, becoming the College’s first athlete to earn this honor five times.

For comprehensive news and highlights from the season, visit:

Click here to download the Kelley Ski Center brochure

Support the Kelley Ski Center

For more information about donating and details on how to support the Kelley Ski Center, or to learn about remaining naming opportunities, please contact:

Chris Kenny ’86
Executive Director of Stewardship & Leadership Giving

Terri Selby
Associate Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Carla Francis
Planned Gift Officer