Working to Build Community

Our community-building programs offer students the opportunity to spend time weekly, monthly, or once a year, and be present with people in our community who may experience injustice. The hope of our community-building programs is to recognize the innate dignity in every person and to show up through a service of presence, dialogue, and shared resources. Spend time with senior citizens, migrant farm workers, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and make a difference in our community and in someone’s life. When one suffers, we all suffer. When one rejoices, there is reason for us all to rejoice.


The mission and purpose of SMC Buddies is “to enhance the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships.” It is our hope as members of SMC Buddies to recognize the innate dignity in every human being by promoting awareness and integration through our events.

SMC Buddies is a student-initiated program through which college students form bonds and friendships with adults in the local community who live with intellectual or physical disabilities. Volunteers meet regularly as a group and participate in a variety of activities and events throughout the year. Special events include dances, art shows, trick-or-treating, and a prom.

Student Leader Contacts: Abby Roman ’25 (; Nate Carr ’25 (

The mission and purpose of Civil Rights Alliance is to be centered on advocacy work and our dedication to social justice. We support student activism in our community by working with different campus clubs and local organizations to provide opportunities for students to act on their social justice interests. We strive to build and maintain an accepting and inclusive community, in which we can educate people about current social and racial justice movements. We currently partner with the U.S. Committee for Immigrants and Refugees to provide support for New Americans in a variety of forms. Volunteers have sorted and organized donations for the Refugee Resettlement Program, and have staffed a “Tech Tent” to help individuals troubleshoot the challenges of learning how to use and navigate the laptops they are provided through the program. With our partners, we have hosted workshops on topics like building empathy and addressing racism, helped organize and collect materials for new American families, and attended a rally in support of migrant farm workers in Ohio.

Student Leader Contacts: Lauren Welch ’25 (;  Annabelle Farrell ’25 (; Kylee Legg ’25 (; Leaf Reiderer ’25 (

It is the mission and purpose of the Correctional Volleyball program to support the rehabilitation of the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility (CRCF) residents through physical activity and interaction. We also strive to break stereotypes and widen the broader awareness of our volunteers.

Correctional Volleyball is a program in which volunteers have the opportunity to visit the Chittenden County Correctional Facility and play volleyball with the residents in a safe and friendly environment.

Correctional volleyball is one of MOVE’s longest-established programs and is often the most popular with students. It allows for the combination of recreational activity with service and the program is greatly appreciated by the correctional facility.

Student Leader Contact: Bernadette Lesieur ’25 (; Emily DuFour-Woznicki ’25 (; Andrew Conger ’26 (

It is the mission and purpose of MOVE’s LUND program to develop authentic relationships with the women and children at LUND through consistent support, communication, and active engagement.

MOVE’s LUND program partners with the Lund Family Center in South Burlington, VT. The Lund Family Center is a rehabilitation facility for pregnant or parenting mothers who wish to receive treatment for addiction and mental health issues. LUND’s program is unique, as the mothers have their children in facility with them during their treatment. Through this program, our volunteers connect with women who are struggling, or have struggled, with substance abuse and mental illness. We hope to continue educating ourselves and the SMC community about homelessness, substance abuse, domestic abuse, teen pregnancy, mental health, and the power of rehabilitation, all while breaking down stigmas and bias about those suffering with these issues. Volunteers help kids through art projects, work on art alongside moms and kids, hold babies or entertain toddlers, and more. LUND student leaders have also offered alternative volunteer opportunities during the past two years since LUND was not accepting in-person volunteers. Instead, volunteers have organized craft kits to deliver to the mothers and children at LUND, which have been much appreciated.

Student Leader Contacts: Emily DuFour-Woznicki ’25 (; Hannah Bennett ’26 (; Melanie Alvarado Abreu ’27 (; Kat Gleeson ’27 (

The mission and purpose of Senior Citizen Games is to bridge the generation gap between senior citizens and college-aged students through friendly boardgame and cardgame competitions in a relaxing and comfortable environment.

Hanging out with senior citizens is a blast at SMC. The Senior Citizen program travels to a local senior housing facility. Volunteers play bingo, talk about current events and spend time with local seniors. We also host a “Senior” Prom with music, food, and dancing! Volunteers can join us once or as often as they’d like.

Student Leader Contacts: Ava Lavigne ’26 (; Kelsey Eastman ’26 (

It is the mission and purpose of Juntes is to educate students about the migrant farmworker population and work alongside Migrant Justice in supporting the migrant farmworker community in Vermont. Volunteers have the opportunity to get involved in the Milk with Dignity Campaign through marches, phone-call activism, and other showings of solidarity.

The Milk with Dignity Program brings together farmworkers, farmers, buyers, and consumers to secure dignified working conditions and livable wages for farmworkers within dairy supply chains.

Student Leader Contacts: Lesley Rivera ’25 (; Eliza Goldsworthy ’26 (; Melanie Alvarado Abreu ’27 (; Olivier Alimasi Bikyeombe ’27 (


Our mission and purpose is to advocate for social justice, particularly in the context of hunger and homelessness, by raising awareness, directly addressing needs in the community, and facilitating the growth of relationships between volunteers and the community.

C.O.O.K ‘N FOOD meets regularly at Dismas House and ANEW Place to prepare meals for residents and families living at each location. At Dismas House, we also have the opportunity to spend time with the residents in their homes during and after dinner. This program is a wonderful example of service of presence and our partnership with each non-profit is very much appreciated.

Student Leader Contacts: Libby Rossi ’26 (; Ruby Sorensen ’26 (; Charleigh Wagner ’26 (