Summer Planning for a Career Advantage

May 8, 2024

As we approach the summer, we know students have many competing responsibilities and priorities. Career development doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task to add to the list, instead it is any number of small steps that you can take at any time to stay motivated and headed for professional success. The Boucher Career Education Center (BCEC) is always a resource!

Ingrid Peterson, Director of the Boucher Career Education Center (BCEC)

Think you’re too busy?

The thought of trying to finish something can keep us from getting started. Give yourself a small goal or a short time frame and see what you can get done. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Be curious, ask peers about their experiential opportunities they’ve had at St. Mike’s such as academic internships, on-campus student employment, clubs, teams, and service. All are great for career development.
  • Start or update your résumé. The BCEC has many examples along with other online tips, tools, and resources to point you in the right direction.
  • Create a LinkedIn or Handshake profile.

Anxious about questions?

You may be getting questions from others about your future plans (major, internships, jobs?). If you’re feeling pressured, try to turn it into something productive.

  • Do some preparation now so you have a starting point- talk to your faculty members, mentors, peers, or a career coach.
  • The people who care about you want to help, give them some suggestions about how they could be supportive: A practice interview, reviewing your documents, or listing your strengths.

Are you ready to reach out?

Networking is critical for exploring interests, building professional relationships, and securing opportunities.

  • Reach out to an alum for a conversation or advice. The St. Mike’s community loves to help.
  • Many employers, here or at home, are eager to connect with students. Set up a site visit or job shadow.

The BCEC is here to help you get started. Remember to make an appointment with a career coach through Handshake—we have virtual appointments available throughout the summer and we look forward to hearing from you.

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