Pre-Pharmacy Learning Outcomes

Saint Michael’ College 3+4 Pharmacy program, in cooperation with the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, works to support and fulfill the following learning outcomes as established by the American Association of Colleges and of Pharmacy’s Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education.

  1. An ability to think critically, solve complex problems and make informed, rational, responsible decisions with scientific, social, cultural, legal, clinical, and ethical contexts.
  2. An ability to identify, retrieve, understand, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information needed to make informed, rational, responsible, and ethical decisions.
  3. An ability to solve complex problems that require an integration of one’s ideas and values within a context of scientific, social, cultural, legal, clinical and ethical issues.
  4. An ability to display habits, attitudes and values associated with mature critical thinking
  5. An ability to communicate clearly, accurately and persuasively with various audiences using a variety of methods and media.
  6. An ability to read and listen effectively.
  7. An ability to effectively communicate in speaking and writing, choosing strategies and media that are appropriate for the purpose of the interaction and to the ideas, values and background of the audience.
  8. An ability to systematically make and defend rational, ethical decisions regarding potentially complex personal, societal and professional situations within a context of personal and professional values.
  9. An ability to demonstrate sensitivity and tolerance of cultural diversity in all interactions and settings.
  10. An ability to demonstrate an appreciation of the obligation to participate in efforts to help individuals and to improve society and the health care system.
  11. An ability to establish personal and professional learning goals and determine areas of deficiency and/or interest.
  12. An ability to engage in learning activities on an ongoing basis for personal or professional development based on self-determined areas of deficiency and/or interest.
  13. An ability to function effectively in interactions with individuals, within group situations, within the workplace and within professional organizations and systems.
  14. An ability to use mathematics effectively to meet the demands of day-to-day life at home, at work and in society.