Statistics Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete the requirements for the Statistics Major progress from core concepts in introductory statistics courses to advanced topics such as applied multiple regression analysis and applied statistical methods.
This progression addresses the eight learning outcomes below which are embedded and assessed in the courses offered in this program. Furthermore, students are expected to meet the following benchmarks during their studies as Statistics Majors:
- maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher in their courses.
- acquire competence in foundational statistics courses;
- explore at least one advanced topic in probability and statistics of their own choosing;
- successfully complete a capstone project in ST 410 Seminar in Statistics;
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Statistics Program:
- Understand and evaluate core statistical concepts, including data organization and types of studies;
- Learn how to read and analyze probabilistic and statistical statements;
- Apply laws of probability to real-world problems;
- Perform statistical inference and interpret the results in an applied context;
- Use mathematical tools, including calculus and linear algebra, to study probability and mathematical statistics;
Learn how to assess the ethical considerations of a statistical project;
- Apply a variety of technological tools, such as statistical software, computer programming languages, and computer algebra systems, for the purpose of simulation and statistical data analysis; and
- Effectively communicate statistical concepts and reasoning in written reports and oral presentations using both technical and non-technical language.